Guest blogger: Tim Mosehauer, Career Counselor
A: Start with the people you know. With any contact, whether it be your old high school teachers, or neighbors down the street, be intentional about your search. Now I wouldn’t suggest just going up to any of these people and saying “I’m looking for an internship close to home, can you help me?”. Instead, I recommend you first research different industries and target the type of work you are interested in, then approach some of these people and say something like, “I’m interested in the arts, and want to be near home this summer. Can you help me identify organizations that I can approach where I can use my skills and learn a few things too.”
Make sure to check out all the CSO resources too, in addition to starting with the people you know first. You can do geographic searches on MOJO, and similarly in MiddNet you can target alums who live in the area you want to be. And make sure to come by CSO during Drop In hours, we’d be glad to talk with you more about all your options.