Capital Consortium (CapCon) 2010

Do You Want to Work or Intern in Washington, DC?

Don’t miss the chance to interview with multiple employers at the Capital Consortium on February 5, 2010.

Current Internship Sponsors:

– Overland Travel

– Environmental Protection Agency

Current Employers:

• ICF International: Research Assistant
• The Field School: Secondary School Teachers
• Federal Trade Commission: Honors Paralegal
• Mathematica: Research Assistant,/Programmer, Health Research Assistant, Survey Associate
• Child Trends: Research Assistant
• Strategic Analysis: Program Analyst
• Urban Institute: Research Assistant
• Brattle Group: Research Analyst
• Environmental Protection Agency: Internship – Multiple Student Traineee Positions
• American Enterprise Institute: Research and Staff Assistant positions

Student Application Instructions:

The Capital Consortium Interview Day will be held in Washington D.C. on Friday, February 5, 2010.
You must apply online for interviews by January 6.

1. To apply for interviews, go to

2. Click on “Create an Account” at the bottom left.

3. Enter in the “Access token word.” It is capcon2010

4. Under “Register for an Account,” fill in all of the data fields and click “Register.

5. Under “Please complete your profile” the system will ask you to fill out a few required profile fields (red dot next to the required fields). Then click “Next.” It is very IMPORTANT to have your e-mail and phone numbers correct. This is how we can reach you for interviews.

6. Next section is “Your  Experience Preferences.” Decide if you want e-mails and newsletters about other Experience programs and services. Then fill in the required fields in the Personalization section.  If you choose not to answer any of these questions, there is an “I’d rather not say” option. Click Next.

7. This brings you to a Welcome page. If you are ready to upload your resume and other materials, click “Go” beside “Upload a Resume.” If you are not ready to upload, click on the “Home” link at the top of the page. From now on, you will come directly to this page when you log in using the username and password you created.

8. There is a special search link set up for students: CapCon 2010 Employers. When you click on this link, it will show you all the CapCon employers with application deadlines of January 6. You do not need to use the Newest Jobs link.

9. If you click on the name of the employer, it will give you an overview of the employer. If you click on the job title link, it will link you to the job(s) for which the employer is hiring. In the job title section, you will find the complete contact information to address your cover letter and, at the bottom of the page, the application materials needed to apply to the position. Look carefully, as many employers also require transcripts or writing samples. When ready, this is where you apply for the position.

Go to “Documents” in the gray box across the top and click on “Upload a Document.”

2. Select the type of document you wish to upload, and click on “Next.”

3. Click on “Browse,” find your document, click “Open,” and then click on “Upload.”

4. When your status says “ready,” your document has been uploaded.

5. Follow these instructions to upload your resume, cover letter, transcript, and writing sample. You can have more than one resume and all of your cover letters in the system at the same time. Transcripts should be uploaded under “Other.”

6. IMPORTANT: By simply uploading, you HAVE NOT applied to any jobs!

Once all of your materials have been uploaded, you are now ready to apply to the position(s) that interest you.

1. Go to the CapCon 2010 Employers link on your home page. One at a time, click on all of the job titles that interest you and scroll to the bottom of each listing. You will see the “How to Apply” box (or you may see Application Restricted if you have not yet uploaded your resume and cover letter). In this area will be a list of the application requirements and other requested materials. Once you have all of the required materials uploaded into the system, click “Apply.”

2. Pick the correct resume, cover letter and other materials needed by highlighting the name of each material. Finally, click “Submit.” NOW you have applied to the employer. Do the same for each employer to whom you wish to submit an application.
If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Funk, ext. 5097 or e-mail

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