FAQ: Can I receive academic credit from Middlebury College for an internship?

A: There are several ways in which a student may be eligible to receive academic credit linked to an internship experience. Some sponsoring organizations will require interns to receive credit from their home institution. If this is the case with your proposed internship and your internship does not fit into the categories listed immediately below, you may want to request a transcript notation .

Winter Term Internships : all students (Sophomore and above) in approved WT Internships receive one course credit (IN600) for successful completion. Check with the Career Services Office for WT proposal packet.

Study Abroad Internships : an increasing number of internship opportunities that award academic credit are possible for students in Middlebury College Study Abroad Programs through the Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust. Check with Program Directors for specific details and eligibility requirements. Click here to go to Middlebury College Study Abroad website.

Independent Study/Internships:

500 level course credit: upper-level students (typically juniors & seniors) may be approved by their academic department to receive academic credit for an Independent Study (500 level course). An Independent Study may combine a research-oriented internship with appropriate written documentation. Course credit is awarded in the semester during which the student is formally registered in the Independent Study, typically the term immediately following completion of the internship. Most 500-level independent studies involve a Middlebury College faculty member directly overseeing the internship/research phase. Check with your Faculty Advisor for more details.
555 level course credit: this credit is only awarded upon approval of the Administration Committee for high level research in one’s field of interest conducted during the summer or another leave term away from campus. The internship/research must be supervised by an accomplished professional. To receive credit, the student must produce extensive written documentation upon completion of the experience that is reviewed by a Middlebury College faculty member. Check with your Faculty Advisor for more details.

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