Red Dot
A moment in time where someone’s words, choices, or actions contribute to Power-Based Personal Violence in some way. Red dots are the moments it takes to raise a hand against a partner, to continue to text, call, and message someone after they have been asked to stop, or to force someone into a sexual situation without consent.
Green Dot
A moment in time where someone’s words, choices, or actions reduce the likelihood that someone will be harmed by violence or proactively communicate an intolerance for violence. Green dots are the moments it takes to ask if someone is okay, to get help in a potential red dot situation from a friend, room mate, or dean, or to create a distraction by telling an unrelated story to diffuse the situation.
You don’t have to be a superhero to put a green dot on our campus map. In fact, green dots can be simple and small. What’s important is that everyone in our community chooses to do something about violence on our campus. No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.
Click to learn more:
Overview – PBPV – What is a bystander? – Red Dots/Green Dots – The 3Ds – Barriers – Proactive – Scenarios