Proactive Green Dots
Good news! There are things you can do to help stop red dots before you even see one. These things are called proactive green dots. They are things that you can do everyday in your life that express your commitment to Green Dot and ending violence on our campus. They’re small, everyday actions that say:
Violence is not okay with me
I am a part of the solution
This could include:
-making bystander intervention or sexual violence the topic of a paper you do for class
-putting a Green Dot or MiddSafe sticker on your water bottle, door, bulletin board, backpack, etc.
-telling your friends about Green Dot and encouraging them to sign up for a training session
-sharing a link or article about bystander intervention on facebook or twitter
-creating a Green Dot signature on your email (check out our downloads for tips on how to do this!)
-have a brief conversation with friends walking to class, at a meal, during a study break, about how ending violence on our campus matters to you
-put a line on your syllabus that alludes to Green Dot or anti-violence principles
-liking the Middlebury College Green Dot facebook page to keep up with events and opportunities happening around campus
…And many more! What’s YOUR green dot?
Click to learn more:
Overview – PBPV – What is a bystander? – Red Dots/Green Dots – The 3Ds – Barriers – Proactive – Scenarios