In a move that is reminiscent of the Cold War, Vladimir Putin is now working towards increasing relations with Egypt in response to the USA’s severing of much of its military aid to Egypt. During the Cold War, this same pattern occurred several times, most notably in Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution which put Fidel Castro in power, the new leader desperately sought diplomatic relations with the USA. However, because the United States could not be certain of Castro’s intentions (and the country was proclaimed to be Communist), the US never attempted to form ties. The Soviet Union was then all too willing to step in and provide Cuba assistance.
This article presents a reminder that the state of US-Russia diplomatic relations is still very similar to that during the Cold War. It is a reminder that Russia is still extremely powerful and is looking to regain some of its international influence. The ambitions of Putin and Russia are still large, and with Putin seeking influence in every Middle Eastern country, especially those that the United States has vacated, Russia could quickly become a global superpower again.