Fedosya Nikolayevna Savishna (Fenitchka)

Fenitchka is the young daughter of Arina, the housekeeper of Nikolai’s estate. One day, when Fenitchka is seventeen, Arina approaches Nikolai asking for his help after a spark from an oven shot into her daughter’s eye. Though Nikolai is not much of a doctor, he treats Fenitchka and she leaves a deep impression on him.  Though she bashfully rejects Nikolai’s advances at first, she eventually reciprocates his feelings.  Fenitchka is described as “white and plump, with black eyes and shining hair; her lips were rep and full like a child’s, and her hands were small and delicate” (26).

By the time the novel begins, Fenitchka is twenty-three years old and Nikolai has taken her into his home. Nikolai has fathered a son, Mitya, by the young Fenitchka. Mitya is born out of wedlock, as there are obvious social barriers precluding their marriage. Fenitchka is cast as a loving mother and a kind spirit. She is always seen caring for her infant son.  The young Bazarov fosters a relationship with Fenitchka through his interest and openness with the peasants and the care he displays towards Mitya.  When Mitya suffers from convulsions, Bazarov takes care of him.  Bazarov and Fenitchka become quite comfortable with each other, and Bazarov finds himself attracted to her.  Bazarov whimsically steals a couple of kisses from the young beauty, and Fenitchka is left ashamed when Pavel witnesses this.  Pavel honorably does not tell Nikolai what he has seen, but he challenges Bazarov to a duel (as Pavel seems to have fallen in love with Fenitchka).  When Pavel confronts Fenitchka about this incident, she confesses her love for Nikolai. At the novel’s conclusion, she marries Nikolai in the same ceremony that Arkady marries Katya.  Fenitchka emerges in a positive light at story’s end; she has developed from a meek, immature servant into a beautiful married woman.

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