Project Team and Funding

Project Director

Field Researcher and Creative Consultant

Student Research Assistants, Middlebury College

  • Lea LeGardeur ’17
  • Abigail Spector ’17
  • Patrick Baldwin Schmidt ’18
  • Anna Cerf ’18
  • Meiriely Amaral ’19
  • Zach Levitt ’20
  • Rachel Kang ’19
  • Frank Wyer ’15
  • Stephanie Ovitt ’16

Creative and Technical Support

  • Kristina Golubiewski-Davis, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow for the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative, CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow 2016-2017)
  • Alicia Peaker, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow for the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative, CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow 2015-2016)
  • Bill Hegman, M.S. (GIS Specialist and Teaching Fellow)
  • Jason Mittell, Ph.D. (Professor and Chair of Film and Media Culture)

I am profoundly grateful for generous funding from the following institutions:

  • National Endowment of the Humanities.  Fellowship, Summer Institute “On Native Grounds”, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, June-July 2015.
  • Digital Liberal Arts at Middlebury College, a Mellon-funded initiative to foster digital scholarship and collaboration.  Sabbatical Faculty Fellowship, Fall Semester 2016.
  • Digital Native American Studies Project, Workshop at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, May 2017
  • Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowship for Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers, summer 2017
  • Middlebury College. Long-Term Professional Development Fund,  Faculty Professional Development Fund, Faculty Research Assistant Fund.
  • Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs, Student Research Assistance Fund