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‘NextGen La Casa Roja’ Category

  1. So Much to Fight For, So Much to Change


    June 21, 2019 by Paul Barnwell

    Today, being not only a global citizen, but also a student, I realize that I have a moral responsibility towards the environment and communities. It is the youth of today that are going to bear the consequences of the actions of today. It is our duty to ensure that our actions only do well to the environment and communities and do not cause any more harm than what is already done. As the young generation, our voice matters. Our words are starting to matter.

  2. Reaching New Distances: A Navajo Perspective on NextGen


    June 21, 2019 by Paul Barnwell

    Throughout the whole year, I attended at least two more conferences out of state in Vermont and Massachusetts. It was an amazing opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and communicate with others and make friends. Being able to talk about our Navajo culture in front of people from other sites was also great way to share my own perspective and experience.

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