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BreadCast #3: Beacons


August 4, 2017 by Tom McKenna

The August episode of BreadCast features Vermont teacher, writer, and blogger Moira Donovan reflecting on twenty years as a rural educator. This conversation and reading, inspired by a visit with BLTN’s Dixie Goswami, draw from Moira’s 1996 Bread Loaf Teacher Rural Teacher Network Magazine essay, “The Wholeness of Teaching: Moments of Survival,” and Moira’s recent blog post on her blog, Nine Cent Girl



  1. Sally Zitzmann says:

    Nicely done, Moira. Like you my Bread Loaf experienced has pretty much informed my world view, the ways in which I interact with students, colleagues and the larger world, generally. It opened me to the larger world and helped me as I encountered new and numerous challenges. It provoked me to share in ways I might not have, previously. Story is everything.

    • Tom McKenna says:

      Hi Sally. I agree that teachers’ and students’ stories matter deeply. In my conversation with Moira–and I hope this comes through in the podcast–I was moved by her commitment to tell her own stories habitually, and to share that process with her students, and a wider public audience.

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