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Writing for a Better World: Bread Loaf Mumbai


October 4, 2015 by Tom McKenna

Read travelogues and conference proceedings from the 2015 Bread Loaf India conference at Be sure to read Rich Gorham’s detailed daily posts. For a collection of articles featuring aspects of BLTN’s international projects, take this link.


Alan Nuñez, Patricia Echessa Kariuki, Rex Lee Jim, Mohsin Tejani, Brendan McGrath, Lee Krishnan, Richard Gorham, and Ceci Lewis pose outside of the Diamond Jubilee High School. Photo from .


  1. Courtney Krahn says:

    After hearing about this trip during a BLTN meeting last summer, it’s great to read the Bread Loaf India Blog and see how the conference turned out. Good work is happening everywhere.

  2. Courtney Krahn says:

    After hearing about this trip during a BLTN meeting last summer, it’s great to read the Bread Loaf India Blog and see how the conference turned out. Good work is happening everywhere.

  3. Lou Bernieri says:

    Rich Gorham’s posts speak for themselves. What a crew of Bread Loaf people to work together! Great work.

  4. Lou Bernieri says:

    Rich Gorham’s posts speak for themselves. What a crew of Bread Loaf people to work together! Great work.

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