
Carson to the Baltimore Sun in 1992 regarding his stance on abortion vs. his controversial actions as a medical professional:

“As a physician who does not believe in abortion, when faced with a patient who has severe medical problems, I would refer someone for an abortion. I believe that person needs to hear both sides … I would never advocate it’s illegal for a person to get an abortion. I think in the long run we do a lot of harm when we bludgeon people.”

Featured on The View, candidate Carson argues his viewpoints on recent remarks regarding abortion, Planned Parenthood, and birth control. Carson is a known pro-life candidate and as a surgeon follows the Hippocratic Oath, “First Do No Harm,” to preserve the life of all of his patients. While questioned by Goldberg, Carson highlights an obligation for the private sector to provide better daycare systems to young mothers, a support of birth control, and an overarching goal of providing the tools for those in poverty to climb the socioeconomic ladder.