
In December of 1980 I journeyed to Freiburg to speak with Frau Geier at her invitation and examine the Russian manuscript of Воспоминания о Штейнере that she had translated into German as Verwandeln des Lebens. At our first meeting Swetlana Mikhailovna invited me to stay and work in the guest room on the second floor. Over the course of the next few days I compared word for word the photocopy of the Russian manuscript with the translation. The results were later published in a major review article.

In addition I was shown by Svetlana the books that she had received and had belonged in Swetlana’s words to Asya Turgenieva, Bely’s wife and companion in Dornach. I do not have any notes recording the history of how these books were obtained. But my handwritten list has some deviations from the 99 books in the two cartons I received from Swetlana’s daughter, Michaela Götte, in August 2011. My list had contained thirty seven + volumes.  The items listed below were not among those  books given to me. They are perhaps in those materials given to the University of Freiburg Library.

Священное Евангелие (М.) with a dedication on the inside cover: Милому брату Саше (-i?) Поццо от Сергея Соловьева. 6 сентября 1912. Москва.

Юрий Словацкий, Ангелли.   Перевод с польского Анатолия Виноградова   (М.: Мусагет, 1913).

Избранные стихи. Выпуск II. А. Блок-М. Шагинян. (СПб.: 1914). Some markings on  Blok’s poem: По берегу плелся больной человек.  

А. Кусиков,   В никуда. 3  изд. (Берлин: Эпоха, 1922). (2 copies). [Note: one copy was in the collection).

А. Ремизов, Сказки русского народа. Берлин-П. -М: 1923

Серебряный голубь.      Fink reprint

Copy of Cvetaeva’s Воздушные пути.

Letters from Roger Keyes, plus issue of Новый журнал.

Copies of Мосты.