Беме, Aurora

Беме, Аков. Aurora, или утренняя заря. Перевод Алексея Петровского. Москва: Издательство «Мусагет», 1914).

The book is of interest for several reasons. Inside the dedication is to “Dr. Rudolf Steiner in tiefster Verehrung vom Übersetzer gewidmet.”   The back page notes that there are 2012 copies with 337 numbered ones of which this is number 16 containing a portrait of Jakob Boehme fengraved from a steel plate.   There is also a list of other tanslations by Musaget in thsi series with one by М. В. Волошина, Мейстер Экхарт. [Духовная] Пропеведи и рассуждения. (1912).

Andrei Bely would reference Boehme’s Aurora in this translation in his own Glossolalia, perhaps using this copy. For more on Bely and Petrovsky see:  Андрей Белый, Алексей Петровский. Переписка. Составитель Джон Э. Малмстад (2007).