Pat Manley and Tom Manley receive funding for research on Lake Champlain

Pat Manley and Tom Manley (both Geology) have received funding as part of a statewide grant awarded to the VT-EPSCoR program at the University of Vermont (UVM) by the National Science Foundation. The goal of this five-year grant, titled Basin Resiliency to Extreme Events (BREE), is to  study and promote resiliency in the Lake Champlain…Continue Reading Pat Manley and Tom Manley receive funding for research on Lake Champlain

Guntram Herb receives Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies workshop award

Guntram Herb (Geography) has been accepted to the Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies workshop that will take place in May at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis. This award covers all expenses of the workshop, including travel. The workshop will be instrumental for the development of new digital teaching modules on indigenous borderlands….Continue Reading Guntram Herb receives Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies workshop award

Noah Graham named Cottrell Scholar

Noah Graham (Physics), a 2005 recipient of the Cottrell College Science Award, has been named a Cottrell Scholar by the Research Corporation, a private foundation that aids basic research in the physical sciences. This program is highly selective–only 5% of Cottrell College Science Award recipients since 1994 have been invited to join this stellar group….Continue Reading Noah Graham named Cottrell Scholar

Frank Winkler receives a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute

Frank Winkler (Emeritus Professor, Physics) has been awarded funding from the NASA-funded Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) for his role in a collaborative research project titled What Makes Radio-detected and Optically-detected Supernova Remnants in NGC6946 Different? The project, carried out in collaboration with colleagues from STScI, Johns Hopkins University, and Hofstra University, will use new…Continue Reading Frank Winkler receives a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute

Christal Brown receives grant from the New England Dance Fund of the New England Foundation for the Arts

Christal Brown (Dance) received a grant from the New England Dance Fund of the New England Foundation for the Arts that provides support for the New England tour of her show The Opulence of Integrity, a multimedia ensemble work inspired by the public life and inner searching of boxing’s outspoken superstar, Muhammad Ali….Continue Reading Christal Brown receives grant from the New England Dance Fund of the New England Foundation for the Arts

Michelle McCauley receives funding from the Danish Institute for Study Abroad in support of her leave

Michelle McCauley (Psychology) has received funding from the Danish Institute for Study Abroad for her 2017-18 leave . She will be teaching one course, Environmental Problems and Human Behavior, and conducting research on understanding the psychological corollaries of environmental behavior. The award covers a stipend as well as housing and round trip travel….Continue Reading Michelle McCauley receives funding from the Danish Institute for Study Abroad in support of her leave

Eilat Glikman receives a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute

Eilat Glikman (Physics) has been awarded a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy on behalf of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, to lead a research project titled Testing the Triggering Mechanism for Luminous, Radio-Quiet Red Quasars in the Clearing Phase: A…Continue Reading Eilat Glikman receives a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute

Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs Open Office Hours for Faculty in October

COME TALK TO OGSP STAFF ABOUT FACULTY GRANTS!!! The Office of Grants & Sponsored Programs is holding Drop In Office Hours at the following times in October Wednesday, October 12, 4:30-5:30 pm, Axinn Winter Garden Wednesday, October 26, 4:30-5:30 pm, McCardell Bicentennial Hall 331 (thru the front entrance, behind the stairs) At these Drop In…Continue Reading Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs Open Office Hours for Faculty in October

Carlos Vélez‐Blasini receives grant from Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

Carlos Vélez‐Blasini (Psychology) has received a grant from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. The grant provides support for a study of the relationship between use of social networking sites, normative beliefs about sex, and relationship quality variables in US adults in and out of stable relationships. The work will provide insights…Continue Reading Carlos Vélez‐Blasini receives grant from Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues