Erik Bleich awarded a Fulbright Scholar research grant

Erik Bleich (Political Science) has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Program research grant and a fellowship through the European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) at the Collegium de Lyon (France) in support of his 2014-15 leave project titled Restricting Racist Speech in France: How Courts Draw the Line Between Free Speech and Hate Speech. He…Continue Reading Erik Bleich awarded a Fulbright Scholar research grant

Sandra Carletti awarded a Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation fellowship

Sandra Carletti (Italian) has been awarded a fellowship from the Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation for a project titled The United Tables of Italy: Pellegrino Artusi and the Unification of Italy in the Kitchen. The grant will enable Sandra to travel to Italy during her 2014-15 leave to do research at the Pellegrino Artusi library…Continue Reading Sandra Carletti awarded a Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation fellowship

Laurie Essig awarded a Whiting Foundation fellowship

Laurie Essig  (Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies) has been awarded a fellowship from the Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation for a project titled “Bury Their Hearts”: The Homosexual as foreign Pollution in Russia. The grant will fund a trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg, during which Laurie will meet with colleagues, experts, and LGBT and…Continue Reading Laurie Essig awarded a Whiting Foundation fellowship

Sujata Moorti awarded a Whiting Foundation fellowship

Sujata Moorti (Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies) has been awarded a fellowship from the Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation for a project titled Transnational Surrogacy and Feminism. The grant will enable Sujata to travel Bengaluru, India, during her 2014-15 leave to visit surrogacy centers that draw people from a wide variety of countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and…Continue Reading Sujata Moorti awarded a Whiting Foundation fellowship

Eilat Glikman receives grant from Research Corporation

Eilat Glikman (Physics) has received a grant from Research Corporation, a private foundation that aids basic research in the physical sciences. This research will study growing super-massive black holes (aka quasars) and the effects they have on their host galaxies. Since all galaxies are believed to grow a black hole at some point in their…Continue Reading Eilat Glikman receives grant from Research Corporation

Svea Closser: Gates Foundation Funding for Polio Project

Svea Closser (Anthropology) received a contract from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation a year ago for a comprehensive research project aimed at assessing the impact of the global polio eradication initiative on strengthening routine immunization and primary health care. With the help of a full time coordinator, this project involved consultants and paid staff…Continue Reading Svea Closser: Gates Foundation Funding for Polio Project