Michael Katz: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Emeritus Fellowship

Middlebury College has received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support an emeritus fellowship for Michael Katz, professor emeritus of Russian and East European studies. The grant will allow Professor Katz to prepare an annotated edition of three interrelated works of fiction from the Tolstoy family, accompanied by selected excerpts from the…Continue Reading Michael Katz: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Emeritus Fellowship

Save the Date: Benefits Open Enrollment November 1-14

Benefits open enrollment is being conducted electronically again this year.  HR has again worked with LIS to improve and enhance the electronic open enrollment process from last year. You will be receiving an e-mail detailing our 2011 benefits as well as step-by-step instructions on how to enroll using BannerWeb. Human Resources will gladly help you…Continue Reading Save the Date: Benefits Open Enrollment November 1-14

Paperless Direct Deposit Program

THINK GREEN! The Payroll Office is excited to announce the option of enrolling in our paperless direct deposit program! Now you can choose to stop receiving your paper direct deposit advice, and instead, view your pay information online via BannerWeb. Eliminating the paper version of the direct deposit advice provides an extra level of confidentiality…Continue Reading Paperless Direct Deposit Program

Financial Assistance Services from Your Employee and Family Assistance Program

The Wellness Corporation understands that everyone has financial questions at one time or another. That is why our EFAP services provide quality financial information, and it’s as easy as one phone call. Their financial planners are eager to help you manage your money, and do not try to sell products or suggest funds or stocks….Continue Reading Financial Assistance Services from Your Employee and Family Assistance Program

Plan an Event at 51 Main

As part of 51 Main’s ongoing efforts to connect our programming with the College’s larger educational mission, to develop new opportunities for students to showcase their creative work, and to create a diverse social venue that appeals to both the College and town communities, 51 Main encourages you to plan an event here. Suggestions: Course…Continue Reading Plan an Event at 51 Main