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The IRS requires that all flexible spending account (FSA) transactions –  even those made using an FSA debit card – be substantiated.  This means that the eligibility of each transaction must be supported by an itemized bill or explanation of benefits.  Substantiation is the participant’s responsibility, however our FSA provider, myCafeteriaPlan, monitors FSA accounts and contacts participants, as needed, to remind them of missing documentation.

There are several options for submitting FSA claims and providing substantiation:

  • If you file FSA claims with a paper form through the USPS or fax, and include a valid receipt or Explanation of Benefits with your FSA claims, your substantiation obligation has been met, and you are not required to do anything further.
  • If you file claims using the myCafeteriaPlan web portal or mobile app, and upload scanned or photographed itemized receipts or Explanations of Benefits at time of claim submission your obligation will have been met.
  • If you use your FSA “Benny” card to pay for services you must take extra steps to provide the required substantiation for all claims except for prescriptions (which auto-substantiate). HR recommends that users submit receipts or Explanations of Benefits to myCafeteriaPlan immediately after using the Benny card to ensure uninterrupted FSA access and to avoid tax consequences.  Receipts or Explanations of Benefits can by submitted via mail, fax, the web portal or the mobile app.

To help the Plan and our members remain in compliance with IRS rules myCafeteriaPlan will reach out to participants to request missing substantiation.  Depending on users’ account settings this contact may be via work or home email address, USPS mail, the myCafeteriaPlan web portal or the mobile app.  If you receive a request for substantiation from myCafeteriaPlan please respond promptly; if you do not respond within 68 days from the first correspondence, your FSA Benny Card will be put on temporary hold until proper documentation is received and ultimately there will be tax consequences. Remember, documentation can be easily submitted via the online portal, mycafeteriaplan.com, or via Mobile App, fax or mail.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact myCafeteriaPlan at 1-800-865-6543 or Human Resources at (802) 443-3372.

If you have yet to set up your access to the member portal for mycafeteriaplan.com, please do so today!  It’s easy – just follow the instructions at this link: http://www.middlebury.edu/system/files/new_user_login_information_extended.pdf .

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