The Professor and the Instructional Designer: A Course Design Journey

Authors: Adrienne J. Gauthier and Thomas Jack

  • GauthierAdrienne J. Gauthier, M.Ed., Instructional Designer, Dartmouth College
    Adrienne is an instructional designer in the Educational Technologies team at Dartmouth College. She focuses on blended course design, active learning strategies, and pedagogically appropriate use of technology in teaching. Dartmouth gained her expertise in November 2012 after her ten-year run at the University of Arizona in the Department of Astronomy where she worked on teaching, technology, astronomy outreach, and faculty support. Her Master of Education is from the fabulous Instructional Technology program at the University of Virginia and her undergraduate B.S. was earned from the University of Massachusetts.


  • JackThomas Jack, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
    Tom is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH.  Since arriving at Dartmouth in 1993, he has taught a wide range of courses in the broad area of genetics, molecular biology, and developmental biology. Since 2012, he has become involved in national efforts to reform undergraduate biology education as a PULSE (Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education) Leadership Fellow.  Tom’s research laboratory aims to elucidate the gene products and molecular mechanisms controlling flower development in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.


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