Discovering research statistics on China

Welcome back to the China Data Center, an online statistical database with the following datasets:

  • Monthly Statistics
  • National Statistics
  • Provincial Statistics
  • City Statistics
  • County Statistics
  • Monthly Industrial Data
  • Monthly Industrial Data 1999-2002
  • Yearly Industrial Data
  • Yearly Industrial Data 1999-2002
  • Statistics on Map
  • Provincial Yearbook (2002 – )
  • Provincial Yearbook ( – 2001)
  • City Yearbook
  • National Yearbook

China Data Center offers some freebies on its website, including a list of geo-spatial vector data including lakes, rivers, canals, and other landforms and a separate listing of free, two-dimensional maps including traffic noise in major cities, coal production, and energy consumption, to name only a few.

NASA satellite image of China