Area 51 notes – Feb. 4, 2010

Present: Jeff Rehbach, Carol Peddie, Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Terry Simpkins, Doreen Bernier. Guest: Joe Antonioli

There was no meeting on 1/28/2010.

Joe Antonioli joined us to talk about web and interactive media development and support, specifically focusing on the role of the Wilson Media Lab and the digital media tutors (DMTs) in this work.  He provided an overview of what the DMTs do, and how this group can or might interact with the various LIS areas.

The primary goal of the Media Lab and the DMTs is to provide support for large projects involving media development and programming.  This is primarily curricular in nature (e.g., a DMT is assigned to each first-year seminar), although they are seeing an increase in requests for administrative support.

There were some questions relating to how we might assess project outcomes in more detail.  Currently, assessment focuses more on successful completion of projects (i.e., the project gets built) rather than their usefulness in the classroom or office.  How do we determine how much a media project contributes to the overall learning goals for a class?

We also touched on the desirability of having liaisons and DMTs collaborate on planning media projects for academic uses, ways the DMTs might interact with the helpdesk, and ways in which the DMTs might be able to assist with library digitization projects.

We briefly discussed the “dates and deadlines” document, which is useful in keeping track of various deadlines we face each year.  The ADs will review the document to make sure it’s still relevant and accurate, and Mike will add topics to the AD agendas as deadlines approach.

Carol gave a general overview of the LIS budget, and implored everyone to become better informed about budgetary matters as they relate to each area.  Since the budget will be flat again next year, there was general agreement about the need to create a better systematic process for vetting mid-year requests for money.  Carol will continue to provide quarterly “snapshots” of where we are for AD review, and will also work with individual ADs to discuss reporting needs, access to Banner, and Banner training/refreshers.   There was a spirited discussion about the process of reallocating budget amounts when changes in projects or priorities free up budget dollars mid-year.