Monthly Archives: March 2017

Middlebury AAUP

The Middlebury chapter of the American Association of University Professors is dedicated to representing professors and staff at Middlebury College. Like the national organization, the Middlebury AAUP focuses on issues of faculty governance, academic freedom, and compensation.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the AAUP, check out their website here.

The AAUP does all sorts of important work and we hope you can support them. They represent individual AAUP members and chapters like ours and provide all sorts of resources, including legal ones, to their members. You can become a member of the national organization by clicking this link. If you want to join, but need financial support, please let us know since we are able to support a couple of national memberships this year.

You can also join the Middlebury chapter of the AAUP. While we encourage everyone who can to join the national organization, it is not a requirement of attending Middlebury AAUP meetings.

To join the Middlebury AAUP mailing list or if you have any questions, contact us at