Daily Archives: April 28, 2011

Makeup Journals

A-Grief–What have you learned about grief this semester?

B-Poetry–Which poem that we read touched you most? Why?

C-Writing–What have you learned about writing this semester?

D-Workshop–Share the experience of workshopping your personal essay:

  • Was the experience very different from workshopping your other papers?
  • Did you feel prepared to look at other students’ essays or prepared to have them look at yours?
  • Was it easier or harder than you thought?

Journals 19-20 About Us

Journal 19: We Praise Our Peers

For three months, you have listened to each other’s  papers, prompts, presentations, and editing suggestions. Or maybe you even read some extra drafts on line. Think back to all that you have heard or read from your peers in this class. Single out some instances when you were wowed, moved, impressed, grateful for what you heard.

Journal 20: Take a Bow

Which paper, project, journal, or prompt are you proudest of this semester—either for your writing or for the courage it took you to write it?