Commencement at the Monterey Institute of International Studies is a distinguished and an exciting experience – and not just for the graduates! You too have the opportunity to be part of this great day by volunteering to assist with the set-up and success of commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 21, 2011. Please help if you can! This is a great way to applaud the graduates for all their hard work by helping to make their day special. We are in need of volunteers to help in the following areas:
Prior to the ceremony:
*Chair set-up: At Colton Hall lawn help arrange seats for the ceremony between 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Muffins and coffee provided! Students who have an existing blue card that are authorized to work on campus can be paid at $10 per hour for this assignment if appropriate paperwork is completed in advance.
*Decor set-up: Help arrange flowers, table arrangements, and balloons at the Samson Center between 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
During the ceremony:
*Ushers: Help distribute event programs, assist guests to their seats, keep aisles clear, and manage crowd flow between 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (NOTE: Ushers must also attend a planning meeting held earlier during the week on Thurs. or Fri., date and time TBD).
After the ceremony:
*Food servers: Help pass our hors d’oeuvres to guests and assist with clean-up between 1:45 – 4:45 p.m.
*Champagne poppers: Help pop open champagne cases at the bar.
*Champagne passers/beverage attendants: Help serve beer, champagne and other beverages at the bar and pass champagne.
Individuals interested in volunteering should contact Linae Ishii-Devine, Manager of Events, at or Michael Atoria, Volunteer Coordinator at
Thank you for your consideration!
MIIS Volunteer Policy
(1) A non-exempt employee may not volunteer to do work that he/she is normally paid to do for the Institute. (For example, if we had catering staff, they would not be able to volunteer to serve at a reception.)
(2) The Institute must have a written volunteer policy (attached), and each volunteer must sign it, in order to indicate that he/she is volunteering without expectation of compensation.
Under this ruling, it is also possible for current employees, including students, to volunteer if condition 1 is met. However, we have had a precedent for paying staff and students who work at Commencement and other events, and the following will apply if a volunteer policy is not signed for non-exempt (hourly) employees including work-study students:
1) With the supervisor’s approval, a non-exempt employee may alter their schedule within the same workweek to accommodate an event (e.g., work 4 hours less during the week to work 4 hours on a Saturday). All hours worked must be recorded.
2) With the supervisor’s approval, the non-exempt employee will not alter their schedule in that workweek and will be paid for the extra hours worked at the special event. This option can create overtime expense. Any hours worked will need to be paid by the department that the staff/student is working under so approval from your supervisor is critical.
These are the only two options available. Comp time is not an option for non-exempt employees per the California Labor Code. With either option, the non-exempt employee must record all hours worked.
Students who are not employees, family members, and other members of the community may serve as volunteers, provided you require each of them to sign the Volunteer Policy form and submit it to Human Resources.