Congratulations! Innovateable IDEA Results are in!

Congratulations again on everyone’s successful presentations last week at the Idea Slam. We’ve been hearing lots of buzz around campus about the event and all of the ideas!  It’s been a busy week in the online Idea rating polls, and the competition has certainly been close.  Now that voting has closed (5:00pm Monterey time) we’ve identified the top three contenders for TEDxMonterey on April 15th (drum roll…..)

Top Idea Teams

  1. Professional Space Online
  2. MIIS Students as English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Specialists
  3. MIIS Marketing Team

Idea Team Runners-Up

  1. Just Brand Me
  2. Media Hub

Clearly, the final ratings were extremely close with the top five ideas scoring an average of 4.0 and higher. We saw online participation by 100 MIIS community members who registered 332 individual ratings, and 30 comments from MIIS community members and friends. Finalists represent the top three highest rating averages (on the 5.0 point scale) as seen on the Innovateables site at 5:00pm.

Click to Enlarge – Official Results captured at 5:01pm, March 18th:


TEDxMonterey Student Speakers

Due to the close nature of the polling for student speakers, the TEDxMonterey planning team has decided to invite both Aaron Ebner and Alyssum Pohl to speak at TEDxMonterey.  Congratulations to each of them and our other speaker nominees, Yaling Zheng, Maggie Fish-Davis.

Wait! This is just the beginning!

We want to give a big thanks again to everyone for participating, championing and working so hard to build buy-in for your ideas. Your innovative spirit is commendable and a very important part of our community here at MIIS!

Whether you were in the top three, or on the sidelines looking in we will continue this conversation with each team to discuss ways teams can move their ideas forward. We’re going to be running innovation clinics later in the spring to keep incubating your ideas.

Cultivating Innovation: DMC Open House, April 11-14 & TEDxMonterey, April 15

What’s next for you and the DMC? Keep an eye out for weekly workshops on our blog at starting back up after Spring Break, and for our exciting week of interactive sessions and activities beginning April 11 leading up to TEDxMonterey 2011 on April 15th!

For our top three contenders, we’ll be in touch about presentation coaching for the TEDxMonterey rehearsal on Friday April 1st, and for the main event on April 15.

We will confirm everyone else registered on an IDEA team as special guests for TEDxMonterey, so keep your eye out for special registration information in the coming weeks.

Thanks everyone!

The DMC & Your InnovateAbles team

Vote for your favorite InnovateAble IDEAS!

Voting is open all week for your favorites from the IDEA SLAM!

(If you voted last Thursday without logging in to MIIS blogs your vote wasn’t recorded. Voting didn’t officially open until Friday midday. But we want to know what you thought, so please log in and vote again!)

Check out videos and slideshows of pitches from last week’s IDEA SLAM on the InnovateAbles Blog. Then vote for your favorite ones! The top three teams win a spot presenting at TEDxMonterey. There are also three people competing for the student speaker slot.

Cast a vote for the next generation of innovation at MIIS! Past winning ideas included the Digital Media Commons and the Community Garden.

It’s as easy as 1…2…3!

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