Electricity tips

Turn it off

It might seem obvious, but turning things off when you are not using them saves money and reduces CO2.  Many electronics continue to draw electricity even when they are turned off, so use a power strip and don’t forget to hit the off switch.  Turn off the lights in your own room/office and in low traffic areas everyone uses, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and classrooms.

Use compact fluorescent light bulbs

A simple practice of replacing burnt out incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) will save money and tons of CO2.

Enable your computer’s energy saving options

Screen savers keep your computer running at full power. Save electricity by setting your computer to turn off displays and to sleep automatically.  Don’t forget to turn off your computer at the end of the day.

Share a fridge

Refrigerators use lots of electricity, especially when they are empty.  Empty fridges take more energy to stay cool, so help keep it full by sharing with a roommate or someone from your office. If possible, unplug it when it’s not in use.

Watch out for energy hogs

Find ways to limit use of electronics and appliances that produce heat and draw large amounts of energy, such as hair-dryers and space heaters.

Buy Energy Star

When you need to buy new appliances or electronics look for an Energy Star rating. In the long run this purchase will save you money and reduce CO2.

Air-dry clothes

If you live on campus, drying even half of your laundry on a rack helps reduce our carbon footprint. Pick up a rack at the bookstore, and you can get a partial refund if you return it at the end of school year.