ALMATY. KAZINFORM Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling, is for the first time-ever officially translated into Kazakh.
It is the first novel in the Harry Potter series, Kazinform reports.
The exclusive rights to publish in Kazakh belong to Steppe & WORLD Publishing.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will be also translated into Kazakh soon.
The Steppe & WORLD Publishing plans to publish all seven books in 2020-2021.
Роза Кавеноки дала интервью авторам видеоблога о переводе “Перевод жив”. Разговор о профессиональном становлении, преподавании, сложных ситуациях и приятных сюрпризах, России и США, родном языке и многом другом.
Professor Rosa Kavenoki, the head of Russian TI at MIIS, was interviewed by Voice of America. How does one become a translator/interpreter? Why do Americans learn Russian? What is the art of translation/interpretation? Can artificial intelligence replace human professionals? You can listen to a conversation about these (and other) TI-related topics here (in Russian):
Nikolai spent the last couple of years pulling together resources and creating his own production company to produce a musical which he had translated from English into Russian two decades before. All the while remaining active as an interpreter in the field! Hats off.
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