Why this site?
The Russian TI community now has its own space online. The purpose is to unite all of us, people who are and will be involved with a noble mission: to help people understand one another. Particularly, those who speak English, Russian, or both.
Here we tell our students, alumni, candidates, internship providers, partners, and employers how we live, what we do, where we go, and many other things that are of interest to all of us. It is a platform for us to exchange opinions, news, pictures and videos.
This is an eclectic blog. If it’s interesting for our past, current, or future students and colleagues, let it be here.
We want to hear from all of you, never lose sight of each other, provide advice and support when needed.
We want those who think of coming into our profession to become part of our community. We want our students’ motivation and talent to become contagious.
If you’d like to interact with or comment on anything you see on this website, you can do so at our Facebook page.
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