Here you will find some examples of the Center’s ongoing projects…
The Role of Higher Education in the Development of Environmental Awareness, Engagement, and Action
The project, commenced in August 2019, is a longitudinal study that will follow multiple cohorts of Middlebury students from the summer before they arrive on campus through two years post-graduation. Over this period, we will assess how and why a college education, understood in the broadest possible senses, changes —or doesn’t change —individuals’ beliefs, preferences, and behaviors concerning the environment.
Impact of Behavioral Nudges on Energy and Water Conservation
With student-collaborators, we are testing different interventions to encourage conservation of energy and water (and other resources) to find those that deliver the greatest impact and can be scaled to the entire campus.
Creating a Living and Learning Community: Middlebury Eco Breaks
The project creates, pilots, and evaluates dorm programming aimed at first-year students.