
And so Kitty’s husband has come to visit me!  Stepan brought him along today and we had a wonderful chat.  I must say, I did go out of my way to look good.  And maybe I didn’t need to touch his arm or chew the corner of my lip (I look so good when I do that!) or look at him from under my lashes… but really, what harm could it be?  I have a way with men, that’s all.  True, he is Kitty’s husband… but really bygones are byegones… or they should be.  I even extended the olive branch when he left with a message and apology to Kitty.  It is so nice to have visitors… and even more nice to know I’ve still got it. ; )

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About Elise Hanks

I am a senior Feb at Middlebury and about to complete the Literary Studies major. I recently submitted my senior honors essay that was grounded in American Women Poets, Feminist Literary Theory, Gender Theory, Sexual/Textual Politics, and the creation of poetic self. In the past I have interned for the Department of Education, worked as a Federal Service Student Ambassador at Middlebury College and for the Partnership for Public Service where I was trained in helping students find and apply to federal job and internship opportunities. I have held a leadership role with Page 1 Literary Project, a student organization that organizes programs and events that promote literacy in schools across Addison County, Vermont, for the past two and half years. My other extracurricular interests include intramural sports, dance, poetry, and art.

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