For those exploring Fulbright, some useful info for you!
*NEW* Graduated Degree Opportunities Chart —Fulbright how has a chart listing countries that allow applicants to undertake graduate degree enrollment as their primary Fulbright activity.
Interested in ETA positions that don’t require knowledge of a host-country language? Here’s a new one!
*NEW* ETA Program in Timor-Leste (2): Grantees will be placed at either a high school or university setting and work with English teachers to provide conversational English and/or integrate English language courses. A brief description of preference can be highlighted in the statement of purpose. University placement will be in the capital of Dili, Timor-Leste. High school placement may be in Dili or in a rural setting. Grantees will serve as a resource for conversation, vocabulary, reading, writing, and American cultural topics.
Schools in Timor-Leste are very crowded and lack conveniences such as air conditioning, hot water, gyms, and Western food. All ETAs will have access to internet connectivity. Candidates must be willing to adapt to local living conditions.
Approximately 30 hours per week will be spent in the classroom assisting English teachers and leading English activities. An additional 5-10 hours will be devoted to participating in or leading school-related activities, clubs, teams, etc. Applications should highlight the applicant’s talents/experience in coaching sports, music, theatre, art, and other skills that could be useful for engaging students both in and out of the classroom.
Foreign Language Proficiency: Not required