Kobe College High School (Nishinomiya, Japan) is hiring an ESL teacher for 2017-2019. This is a private school near Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto that has been recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science for offering one of the very top English language programs in Japanese junior high schools. The campus, designed by architect William M. Vories, was declared a national important cultural property by the government in 2014:http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/05/16/national/history/kobe-college-tour-featuring-historic-vories-buildings-proving-tourist-draw/
The application deadline is July 20, 2016 and the position will start April 1, 2017 (so December graduates and recent alumni would be eligible).
Applications available at http://www.kccjee.org/#!about2/c46b