Summer Research Challenge at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL)

Oak Ridge National Laboratories, located in Tennessee, offers multiple summer research opportunities for undergraduates. See their program information online at The lab is managed by the Department of Energy and focuses on global and national energy and environmental issues and the “development of new energy sources, technologies, and materials and the advancement of knowledge in the biological, chemical, computational, engineering, environmental, physical, and social sciences.”

ORNL Challenge Program for Undergraduates Now Accepting Applications

Deadline for applications: January 15th, 2016

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) wants to pinpoint and capture some of the best new minds entering scientific and engineering fields today, by using a unique competitive process. Students who are interested in grand challenge science and want to make a difference in the world are encouraged to apply to the ORNL Challenge Program!

ORNL’s two grand research Challenges for 2016 focus on “Simulation and Design of Artificial Model Magnets” and “Distributed Energy Research – Powering Microgrids.” To apply for the ORNL Challenge Program, applicants must write a proposal that identifies possible solutions to one of these two research Challenges. If the student’s proposal is chosen as one of the top choices, the applicant will be offered a summer 2016 internship at ORNL, to implement their research solution. A competitive stipend, housing, and professional development activities will be included as part of the internship.

Applicants must be junior or senior undergraduate students currently enrolled at an accredited U.S. college or university. There are no citizenship requirements or GPA requirements to apply.

Find the full Challenge descriptions, the proposal template and the application link on our website: