A new post-graduate fellowship has just become available that might be of interest to students: the Math Pioneers Fellowship. It was founded by a former Posse Scholar from another institution and is run by the MATCH School in Boston. Math Pioneers provides funding to tutor high school algebra and geometry – but applicants do not need to be math majors. Since the high schools are predominantly Spanish-speaking, most of the successful fellowship applicants will have strong Spanish skills. Fellows receive a $15,000 living stipend and full health benefits.
The application is available online at http://www.matchschool.org/matchcorps/pioneers.htm and if you have any questions, please contact:
Antonio J. Gutierrez, Jr./ Director of Business Development and Public Relations Coordinator | Math Pioneers/ MATCH School Business Office | 215 Forest Hills Street | Jamaica Plain, MA, 02130/ Office: (857) 203-9662 | Fax: (617) 232-2838