A British Scholarships Information Session to be held on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 pm in Axinn 219. This is for juniors who are interested in applying for British fellowships in fall, 2011. Sophomores who are interested but plan to be away next spring should also attend. Fellowships to be discussed include Rhodes, Churchill, Gates Cambridge, Keasbey, Marshall, Mitchell, and St. Andrew’s. Come learn about the different scholarship opportunities, selection criteria and application process. Please note the minimum GPA is typically 3.7 but that most successful nominees have GPAs of 3.8 or higher.
For more information or if you are unable to attend, you should contact Amy McGlashan, Fellowships Advisor, in the Center for Education in Action agibansm@middlebury.edu or ext 5103.
For students interested in applying for a Fulbright grant for independent research or English Teaching Assistantship, an information session will be held on Tuesday, May 3 at 4:30pm in Library 201. A reminder will follow to eligible students.