In Volgograd, municipality will cooperate with industrial enterprises in buying out land plots

“In Volgograd, municipality will cooperate with industrial enterprises in buying out land plots” (“V Volgograde munitsipalitet okazhet sodeystvie promyshlennym predpriyatiyam v vykupe zemel’nykh uchastkov”),, 28 September 2009.  26 July 2010

The state of land reform in Volgograd.  The Volgograd municipality is offering a discount price on land buy-outs, if purchased by enterprises before the end of 2009; the relative stability of land tax rates, as opposed to more in-flux lease payments, is another incentive to buy out, the article adds.  The city administration is encouraging full privatization of land since land taxes on private land help fill the city budget.  The 400 hectares of federal land, on which 15 large industrial enterprises are currently situated, currently add some 123 million rubles to the city coffers annually; if reformulated as rents from the federal government, the city will lose these monies.  Committee on land resources chairperson Irina Anisimova is pleased that 80 new enterprise land privatizations in 2008 were added to the total 290 privatized industrial land plots, though she realizes this momentum must be sustained.  Although city administration affirms its readiness to cooperate with enterprises in quickly formulating buy-out documents, disparities between Cadastral appraisal prices and market prices are sure to fuel disagreements over buy-out prices.