Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Middlebury College (2021 – )


Adjunct Instructor, Department of English, State University of New York at Buffalo (2019 – 2021)


Teaching Assistant, Department of English, State University of New York at Buffalo (2013 – 2019)



Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo, English, 2020

Dissertation: “The Measure of Humanity: Literary Quantification and the Routes of Accumulation in British Atlantic Writing, 1650 – 1800”

Director: Ruth Mack; Readers: Dave Alff, Rachel Ablow, Judith Goldman


M.A. State University of New York at Buffalo, English, 2016

Examination fields: Eighteenth-Century British Literature; Victorian Literature; Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century North American Experimental Poetics


B.A. Wesleyan University, English, 2013


Refereed Publications

“The Ameliorationist Trap: Reformist Capture and the Long Eighteenth Century” (accepted at Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Special Issue on “Refusing Eighteenth-Century Fictions,” Winter 2024)

“How to Read by Numbers: Plague, Political Arithmetic, and the Production of History,” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 61.3 (Fall 2020)


Manuscripts in Progress

“The Measure of Humanity: Quantitative Style and its Discontents in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic” (monograph)

“On Self-Preservation: Quantification, Plantation Georgic, and the Limits of Environmental Writing” (article)


Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor, Middlebury College

ENAM 433: Revolt and Rebellion in Long Eighteenth Century Literature (Spring 2022)

ENGL/ENAM 225: Eighteenth-Century Literature (Fall 2021, Fall 2022)

ENAM 223: Creative Derivation: Rewriting, Remaking, and Unmaking Literature (Spring 2022)

ENAM 103: Reading Literature: Disaster (Fall 2021)

FYSE 1007A: Abolitionism(s): Then and Now (First-Year Seminar, Fall 2022)


Instructor, State University of New York at Buffalo:

ENG 232: British Writers II (Fall 2016)

ENG 209: Writing About Science (Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Spring 2020)

ENG 208: Writing About Literature (Spring 2019)

ENG 207: Introduction to Writing Poetry and Fiction (Spring 2018)

ENG 204: Writing About the Environment (Spring 2020)

ENG 201: Writing II (Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016)

ENG 105: Writing and Rhetoric (Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020—two sections)

ENG 101: Writing I (Fall 2013, Fall 2015)


Selected Presentations and Talks

“The Ameliorationist Trap,” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Annual Meeting (Baltimore, March 2022)

“On Police Ameliorationism: Eighteenth- and Twenty-First Century Pitfalls of Reform,” 2022 MLA Annual Convention (virtual presentation, Washington DC, January 2022)

“‘aided by the line, consult the site’: Form, Environment, and Quantitative System in The Sugar-Cane” ASECS Annual Meeting (Online, March 2021)

“The Planter’s Eyes: Quantification, Form, and System in Grainger’s Sugar-Cane,” Historical Poetics Now (Austin, November 2019)

“Accounting for the Storm,” ASECS Annual Meeting (Denver, March 2019) 

“(De)forming Society, or: What if the Sovereign Is Ugly?” Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (NEASECS) Annual Meeting (Rochester, NY, October 2018)

“Policing by Numbers: Plague, Political Arithmetic, and Numerical Argument,” Bloomington Eighteen-Century Studies Workshop (Indiana University, May 2017)


Panels Chaired

“The Laboratory of the Human,” ASECS Annual Meeting (Online, March 2021)

“Number, Weight, or Measure: Numerical Eighteenth Centuries,” ASECS Annual Meeting (Orlando, March 2018)


Awards and Honors                      

ASECS/Clark Fellowship (William Andrews Clark Memorial Library and the Center for 17th– &

18th-Century Studies, UCLA, 2019-2020)

College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Fellowship (SUNY at Buffalo, 2019)

Opler-Doubrava Fifth-Year Fellowship (Department of English, SUNY at Buffalo, 2017)

Presidential Fellowship (SUNY at Buffalo, 2013-2017)

Sophie Reed Prize (Wesleyan University, 2013)


Departmental Service

Middlebury College

Curriculum Committee (2022 – )


University at Buffalo

Graduate Admissions Committee (2017)

Special Opportunity Hiring Committee (2015)

President, Graduate Poetics Group (Fall 2014 – Fall 2015)