CTLR and LIS have been asked by the academic administration to explore ways in which the support for curricular technology and digital scholarship can be integrated into the overall work of faculty development within the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research. It is our belief that our current highly distributed model may not be serving our faculty well, and that a more intentional approach to organizing these activities within CTLR will provide our faculty with a more user-friendly experience, increase awareness and use of existing resources and services, and improve the alignment of technology support with the broader mission of supporting excellent teaching and research at the College.
To that end, we plan to spend the fall looking internally at our current practices, and also exploring how other schools have approached this.
Current State: What do we currently do at Middlebury?
What are the various ways in which we currently support faculty in their efforts to integrate technology into their teaching?
What are the various ways in which we currently support the broader activity of faculty development?
How aware are the faculty of these services and resources?
How active are faculty in using these services and resources?
How does the use of physical space on campus support these activities? How does it interfere?
How do the current organizational structures support these activities? How do they interfere?
What is working well currently?
What challenges or opportunities do we need to address?
Other Models: How do other schools support faculty development for academic technologies?
What models for faculty development have proven most effective?
What models for supporting faculty in the use of curricular technology have proven most effective?
What models that support integrating support for curricular technology into a broader program of faculty development have proven most effective?
How does support for digital scholarship/digital humanities fit into support for faculty development in general and support for curricular technology in general?
What resources have they dedicated to these programs?
How have they organized these programs in terms of personnel?
How do schools assess the efficacy of these programs?
Task Force Members
Jeanne Albert
Joe Antonioli
Lisa Gates
Rebekah Irwin
Carrie Macfarlane
Jim Ralph
Mike Roy
Shel Sax
Terry Simpkins
Hector Vila
During the fall, we’ll be reaching out to faculty to hear their perspective on these questions. If you have questions, comments, or simply wish to share your thoughts with us, please reach out to any of the Task Force members.