Two minor issues remain. The inspector is wondering whether the DC power system provides suitable emergency lights. Because the R/V David Folger’s power system switches from house to engine banks automatically if the house side goes dead, she believes that our setup satisfies the auto-on requirement in the CFR, since the lights would never go out. She is checking with her boss. If the decision is negative, we may be able to install some of those battery-powered tap-lights in a few places and meet the requirement.
The other concern is the position of the starboard engine-room fire extinguisher, which is mounted above the port side unit on the house aft bulkhead near the ladder. It’s no more than five feet from the engine hatch, though, so she said she will accept the install if USCG Vermont finds it acceptable.
Vessel speed, loaded to the contract performance weight simulating 8+2 persons (plus gear) and running at 90% power, was 23.5 knots — well on the high side of the 20-24 knot range stipulated in the contract. However, the port-engine maximum RPM reached 3305 upwind and 3310 downwind at the simulated 18+2 persons weight. We’ll have to watch this, because these readings are slightly over the Yanmar warranty limit of 3300.
Dave signed off on 95% of the electrical checks this afternoon. Lights, outlets, all exterior lighting, and so on… A few other items yet to go, but manufacturing is close to complete, too!