1. The Donald will keep raising his voice…it’s a good strategy when the response is necessarily short…

  2. Demonizing the Mexican government can’t show tact in foreign policy, would love to watch the Donald go up against Putin

  3. Yes. I wonder how it is playing with the viewing audience. Does he look a bit unhinged?

  4. Kasich handled Medicaid expansion well–touted it as saving money in the long term. Trump’s attack on Megyn Kelly hurt him, + his possibility to run as an independent was not well-recieved. In the Discovery-Scrutinity-Decline sequence, the “decline” phase will soon begin for Trump. Bush + Christie articulate their records well. Carson and Walker have had sloppy performances. Cruz sounds more like a preacher than a president, and only knows how to feed red meat to the base. Rand is more sloppy than I expected. Huckabee is too socially conservative for a general election.

  5. Rubio is speaking like a pro on immigration issues. Cool & collected. If any Hispanic is watching this, they’re paying attention to his words.

  6. Elsa – Exactly right. Stark contrast to how Trump handled the question.

  7. Christie did well…but Rand responded well, too…this one is fun…best confrontation yet. And actual substance.

  8. Chris Christie says exactly what I was thinking in response to Paul. Now we have a debate on our hands.

  9. Walker had a brief pause there, wonder if he forgot who our enemies and allies were.

  10. So far Walker has been incredibly unimpressive. Does it matter at this point? Is it a strategy? Will he be the Romney-esque candidate that hangs around at the top while people float around him and eventually drop out?

  11. Kate – that seems to be Rand Paul’s strategy for some reason – not sure why.

  12. Anna – That’s my impression too. He’s not helping himself tonight. Too early, I think, to say he’s permanently damaged.

  13. Rubio & Bush are becoming best friends because they oppose Common Core standards? Interesting turn!

  14. question to Jeb on economic growth was good, and he was mediocre on response. And Scott Walker finally gave a decent answer…

  15. Peter – Completely agree. Combination of passive demeanor and seeming out of his depth especially on foreign policy.

  16. The most surprising thing tonight to me is the Democrats for Congress advertisement that just ran on Fox.

  17. Coherence is not his strong suit! As he said, it’s time to move beyond “tone”!

  18. Walker had a pretty standard answer for the #blacklivesmatter movements. Wasn’t genuine and didn’t address the race issue at all. Sounded very scripted.

  19. Jeb Bush should probably thank Donald Trump for attracting many moderates and independents to watch today’s GOP debate. Great platform to share his policy views and stances – if only he were a better speaker.

  20. Unless we’re going into another war, it makes no sense for us to spend so much money on the military. Christie thinks it’ll “send a message” to the world. Is billions of dollars in military spending worth it to “send a message?”

  21. Rubio’s final statement was poetic and well-delivered! He’s appealing to minorities and especially immigrants!

  22. Not one candidate mentioned Sanders tonight. Looks like they don’t even consider him as competition.

  23. Of course Trump ends the night with “Let’s make America great again!” I was expecting something more exciting.

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