What can we do?

An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

You’ve may have been asking yourself lately, “what can I do to help?” Good news! People just like you can have a huge impact on the way we choose to operate our society! If you’re ready to get involved, here are a few ways that you can help advocate for a Green Mountain New Deal in our state.

Contact your Representative

Our representatives can advocate for our vision of Vermont in Montpelier. A great way to begin is by contacting your representative and letting them know how you feel about a Green Mountain New Deal. This is an easy way to help push the Green Mountain New Deal (GMND) through the next legislative session!

In Addison County, we’re represented by Christopher Bray and Ruth Hardy. Their contact information can be found here. Amy Sheldon and Robin Scheu represent the Town of Middlebury in the Vermont House of Representatives. Contact information for both can be found here. The contact information for other Addison country representatives can also be found here. If you live outside of Addison County, contact information for your local representatives can be found here!

Get Involved with Organizations

Around the Vermont, work is underway to promote the GMND. In Addison County, we’re fortunate to have chapters of fantastic organizations right in our backyard! Both Extinction Rebellion and Sunrise are organizations that are fighting for a greener future. Extinction Rebellion is a global movement that employs nonviolent direct action to inspire governments to avoid tipping points in the climate system that could lead to social and ecological collapse. If you’re interested in becoming a part of the Champlain Valley chapter of Extinction Rebellion, information on meetings can be found here.

The Sunrise Movement is a grassroots youth-led political movement. They advocate for political action on climate change. The Sunrise Movement is one of the most passionate advocates of the Green New Deal, the national plan that the GMND is based off of. Sunrise has a branch in Middlebury! Information on how you can get involved and meeting times can be found here.

Becoming involved in organizations like these are a great way to advocate for a GMND in Vermont. We are stronger together. Organizations like these can coordinate mass action, leading to change that would be unthinkable alone. As citizens, we have the right to advocate for the world that we would like to live in. Organizations are a powerful tool that can help people realize their potential while affecting major change in society.

Raise Awareness

Right now, not many Vermonters know about the GMND. To have a chance at passing, the GMND needs a lot of support. Informing your other Vermonters can improve the GMND’s chances in Montpelier. Talking to any Vermont voter could help move Vermont towards a future with 100% renewable energy. Download this powerpoint to help you bring the GMND to other Vermonters!