Tag Archives: FGSIB

08.04.08: Summer Business

So far you’ve learned how the Monterey Institute’s GSIPS and GSLEL students spend their summertime. Now here’s a taste of how FGSIB students remain focused on business as usual despite the summer holidays.    

Clayton Snyder has an internship as a Senior Resource Specialist at Technicolor Home Entertainment Services, Inc. Clayton’s responsibilities include analyzing Technicolor’s worldwide energy and water consumption over the last three years; reporting worldwide CO2 emissions over the same time period; publishing bi-weekly reports for upper management on pertinent sustainability issues; and researching LEED certification potential for existing company facilities.

Naomi Arnold has an internship as a Category Management MBA Fellow at TransFair USA in Oakland, California, working in its Fair Trade Certified program. This project intends to diagnose the environmental impact story of Fair Trade, for which the label is lesser known, but equally stringent in initial producer qualifications and continuous improvements. Naomi’s responsibilities include researching environmental impact studies on Fair Trade, the impacts of organic farming, shade-grown coffee and carbon retention on Fair Trade Certified product farms as well as the environmental impacts of conventional crop production of coffee, flowers, sugar and bananas. The project’s goal is to create a gap analysis between Fair Trade and other labeling certifications, conduct an assessment of where improvements can be made to the environmental story, and create materials that communicate this effectively.

Check back in coming weeks for summer stories from MIIS students!!!