Author Archives: Brenda Ellis

Puzzles in the Davis Family Library

We now have some puzzles for use in the Library.  Currently there’s a spot set up behind the Research Desk on the main floor. Take a study or office break and put together a few pieces or a whole puzzle.  We will leave out several options at a time and rotate what we have.  If you want to take one elsewhere in the Library, just stop by the Research desk and ask to see the selection.

We will gladly take more puzzle donations (it would be nice to get some featuring foreign places for summer) and we are still looking for donations of GAMES (rubics cubes, monopoly, etc).  Just drop your donation at the front Circulation desk.  Anything we don’t use will be given away.

New in the Library: Mobile Standing Desks!

The Davis Family Library now has 3 mobile standing desks.

“The Nomad Stand”

Students can use these anywhere in the library.  If one is not in use, just take it to a spot that is the right height for your comfort level.

They were designed by Franklin Dean-Farrar in Athletics and made here in Middlebury by Maple Landmark Woodcraft.

If these are popular we’ll order more.

Students have asked for standing desks, and we listened!

— The Library Space Team

New Library Water Fountain Helps the Environment and Those with Disabilities

In case you are wondering what that noise is on the main floor of the Davis Family Library today, it is the installation of a new ADA-compliant water fountain that is designed to fill water bottles too.  The Library Space Team successfully applied for an Environmental Council grant to cover the cost for one.  The fountain will count the number of times a water bottle / glass is filled.  Next time you are thinking of buying bottled water, think instead about using a refillable container (and thus avoid landfill waste or the energy and financial costs of recycling).  It will also be the only ADA-compliant fountain in the Library, so if someone in a wheelchair needs a water fountain, be sure to direct them to this one, which is just opposite the print copy room on the main level.


Join the Middlebury Ski Bum League!

It’s time once again for the ski bum league races at the Bowl! We have a ski bum league that happens on most Fridays from January to March and we’d like to get more Middlebury College students involved.

Anyone can join. No “racing” experience needed. That includes students, faculty, staff, and community members. There is a scoring system that gives everyone a chance to win, even if you’re snowplowing down the hill.

You can race on anything. Skis, snowboard, tele gear, whatever your fancy. You don’t have to go every Friday, but you’ll want to! The best part is the social hour that follows: free appetizers at various locations throughout town. No need to be 21.

So please reach out to a few friends and see if you can get them excited to start a team or join an existing one – it’s a great way to meet faculty, staff, and community members. Anyone is welcome to participate — the more the merrier.

All events are on Fridays at the SNOW BOWL, from 1:30-3 p.m. Here’s the schedule: January 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 22; March 1, 15, 22, 29.

Middlebury College Students are FREE
Middlebury College Staff and Faculty, $10 for the season
General public, $20 for the season

Lift tickets are not included but appetizers are!  Hope to see you this season!

– Middlebury Ski Bum League

For more information, please e-mail and see our facebook page.

Do you still need to register to vote?

Whether you are a student who is trying to figure out whether to register to vote in Vermont or your “home state” and how, or someone who hasn’t registered or needs to transfer their voting registration, the Voting Registration Guide has information to help you. It also includes resources to help you get up-to-date on issues.


Middlebury’s Library ranked #10 in Princeton Review

The latest numbers are in. Students ranked our library #10 in the country in the latest Princeton Review’s Best College Library rankings (you must register to see it).  We were ranked just behind Princeton.  According to Library Journal,”Both lists are based solely on students’ answers to the survey question: ‘How do you rate your school’s library facilities?’ They do not take into account number of volumes, circulations, or any other metrics.” Thank you Midd students for ranking us so highly!

Join the Middlebury Ski Bum League and have fun!

It’s that time of year . . . to dust off the boards and think snow! We have a ski bum league that happens on most Fridays from January to March and the hope is that we can get more Middlebury College students involved in participating.

Anyone can join: no “racing” experience needed. That includes students, faculty, staff, and community members. There is a scoring system that gives everyone a chance to win, even if you’re snowplowing down the hill.

You can race on anything. Skis, snowboard, tele gear, whatever your fancy. You don’t have to go every Friday, but you’ll want to! The best part is the social hour that follows: free appetizers at various locations throughout town. No need to be 21.

So please reach out to a few friends and see if you can get them excited to start a team or join an existing one – it’s a great way to meet faculty, staff, and community members. Anyone is welcome to participate — the more the merrier, and there is no need for a Middlebury College affiliation.

All events are on Fridays at the SNOW BOWL, from 1:30-3 p.m. Here’s the schedule: January 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17; March 2, 9, 16, 23.

Middlebury College Students are FREE
Middlebury College Staff and Faculty, $10 for the season
General public, $20 for the season

Lift tickets are not included but appetizers are, I say with a smile.

Hope to see you this season!

– Middlebury Ski Bum League

For more information, please e-mail and see our facebook page.