Collection Shift in Davis Library during Spring Break

During Spring Break next week, starting on Monday 3/26, LIS will be shifting some collections in Davis Family Library in order to make room for an expansion of classroom LIB140 that is planned for June.  We’ve hired the same library moving company that moved the Music Library last year.  We expect the shift to be completed by Friday.

The Government Documents collection in the center of the Main Level will be consolidated to the eastern end of the compact shelving that it currently occupies.  This will open up three ranges of shelves at the western end of that section.  Monographs that are on shelves next to LIB140 on the Lower Level will then be moved to the newly vacated shelves in the center of the Main Level.  The collection will continue to be in the same order overall, but the break between the Main and Lower Levels will be slightly different.  All the print and online building guides will be updated to reflect the change.  See go/davismap for details.

If you need an item that is in the area being shifted by the moving company, simply place a request for the item at the Circulation Desk and it will be retrieved and held for you to pick up.