Current sophomore Varsha Vijayakumar will serve as the president of Midd Masti for the upcoming 2017-2018 academic year.  To her:

Varsha Vijayakumar, President

“Midd Masti manages to demystify stereotypes of South Asian culture while simultaneously engaging us in active and fun ways. And as a person with no prior dance experience, I am proof that anyone can dance, and that Midd Masti is a welcoming learning environment. But more than that, Midd Masti has become my family, my home away from home. As president, I hope to continue everything Midd Masti stands for and build upon it!”

Moti Jiang ’20 is excited to fulfill the duties of Treasurer and says:

Moti Jiang, Treasurer

“Midd Masti has helped me fall in love with South Asian dancing culture and gain confidence on stage. I truly enjoy the dynamics and swag of the group, so I want to give back to the organization by serving on the board.”

Last but certainly not least, Bing Ibrahim ’20 is ready and prepared to be our secretary! He points to the experience he has gained from past leadership and hopes to build the organization’s momentum:

Bing Ibrahim, Secretary

I intend on following in the footsteps of the current secretary, Akhila. Because I shadowed the board members, I already have an understanding of what duties and obstacles come with being part of the board, and because I was specifically under Akhila, I feel like I can carry out the jobs of the position well. Additionally, I intend on expanding our influence and making the shows look as great as ever!

Special thanks to Lydia Fox ’18 for her expertise and guidance. And of course, thank you to all of the members of Midd Masti that voted in the elections this year.