2008-2009 Participation Comparison + Gifts Remaining

Pasted below is a thumbnail sketch of where classes stacked up last year compared to this year (although 2008’s numbers, to be fair, are pulled from 11June, and not 1 June), as well as gifts needed to hit participation goals for each class.  Take a look, and use it as motivation to send out those e-mails or make those phone calls.

2009 Participation Comparison and Gifts to Goal
6/11/2008 6/1/2009
Class Participation Class Participation Difference: Goal Gifts to Goal
1999 38% 1999 35% -3% 59% 148
2000 33% 2000 34% 1% 55% 110
2001 38% 2001 35% -3% 60% 150
2002 37% 2002 35% -2% 60% 159
2003 49% 2003 37% -12% 64% 154
2004 38% 2004 40% 2% 65% 170
2005 37% 2005 37% 0% 60% 131
2006 37% 2006 39% 2% 60% 138
2007 30% 2007 34% 4% 60% 165
2008 31% 56% 136

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