Lecture Slides

On this page you will find lecture PowerPoint slides in .pdf. They will be posted here after every class for your reference.

Lecture 1 Part I: Syllabus and other administrivia

Lecture 1 Part II: What do linguists do? Some linguistic puzzles and their solutions

Lecture 2: Human vs. animal communication systems

Lecture 3: Human vs. animal communication cont. Discussion of Myth 12.

Lecture 4: Mental grammar. Language and intelligence. Language acquisition by children. Critical period?

Lecture 5: Language and the brain. Introducing morphology.

Lecture 6: Morphology

Lecture 7: Word-formation

Lecture 8: Word-formation cont.; Morphological typology; Discussion of Myth 10.

Lecture 9: Introducing syntax: Constituency.

Lecture 10: Syntax cont.: Phrase structure rules. Tree-drawing fun.

Lecture 11: Syntax cont.: Recursiveness. Ambiguity. Word order variation. Parameters.

Lecture 12: Syntax cont.: Islands. Phonetics: Consonants.

Lecture 13: Phonetics cont.: Consonants and Vowels

Lecture 14: Phonetics cont.: Transcription; Coarticulation processes; Syllable structure and phonotactics

Lecture 15: Suprasegmentals; Phonology: Introducing phonemes and allophones.

Lecture 16: Phonological analysis and phonological rules

Lecture 17: Sociolinguistics 1: Dialectal variationĀ 

Lecture 18: Sociolinguistics 2: Language attitudes and ideologiesĀ 

Lecture 19: Sociolinguistics 3: Language and ethnicity: The case of African American English

Lecture 20: Language and gender; Language change 1

Lecture 21: Language change 2: Morphological, syntactic, and phonological

Lecture 22: Language change 3: Historical linguisticsĀ 

Lecture 23: Pidgins and creoles

Lecture 24: Language and thought; Language endangerment. Photo and Farewell!