I won’t grow up

Will I ever have to “grow up,” move out, and really be forced to do things on my own? Sure I’ll move out and live away from my parents…i’m already doing that… but will I REALLY have to do all of those “grown up” things on my own like our parents had to?


As Shirky and Mittell point out, it’s not really the changes in technology that matters, but it’s that new technology removes obstacles, allowing new social behaviors. THAT’S what matters. Right now I’m applying for various summer jobs and internships. With just my laptop, I’ve been able to type up my resume and cover letters and submit them all across the country via e-mail. Not only that, but I’ve been able to send drafts and revisions back and forth with my mom. We finally realized that instead of e-mailing drafts numerous times for slight changes, we could just use the screen sharing application on iChat! From 321 miles away, my mom was able to actually see my computer screen, read the current draft I was working on, and then make corrections herself. We could talk to each other  as well. Technology made it so easy for my mom to help me create my digital resume – I may not need to learn how to do these things on my own. No matter where I am, it seems like I’ll always be able to have Mommy by my side for some extra help.

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