While some of the work of LIS varies with the semesters and seasons, other work continues quietly at a regular pace and sometimes goes unnoticed. Ginny Faust, Binding and Conservation Technician, works to maintain and improve the condition of both the circulating and special collections of the libraries. Routine preservation activities like binding and reinforcement of new materials, repair of worn and damaged items, and repackaging of media materials have gone on for many years and the result of these activities is a library collection in generally excellent condition of which Middlebury can be proud. In recent years we have expanded our work to include the conservation of selected Special Collections materials. Ginny has taken classes and independently studied to improve her conservation skills. We are now able to cost effectively complete conservation treatments in-house that we could not afford to outsource to a professional conservator. To see examples of this important work please see the overview and gallery here.
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