Construction workers have been busy this week in the Great Hall, just outside Armstrong Library. Work is not yet completed, but here’s a hint:
Don’t forget your refillable cup!
The faces of libraries change, but we still love them:
From Distant Admirers to Library Lovers–and beyond from Pew Research Internet Project
How MOOC Video Production Affects Student Engagement is a good read for anyone considering the use of video in an instructional context. For a more in depth analysis see Philip Guo’s published paper How Video Production Affects Student Engagement: An Empirical Study of MOOC Videos.
Manuscripts of Lichfield Cathedral – 3D renderings of sixteen pages of the 8th-century St Chad Gospels:
3D printing: 10 companies using it in ground-breaking ways – A growing number of innovative companies are experimenting with 3D printers, propelling the technology closer to the mainstream market.
Armstrong Library has new, comfy chairs and ottomans, just right for curling up with a well thumbed copy of Newton’s Principia, finishing your next assignment with your feet up, or just sitting back and enjoying the view (tweeting optional).
A Research Data Management Implementation Workshop was held on March 13-14, 2013, with Alison Darrow (SRO) and Wendy Shook (LIS) attending selected webcasts.
SELECT * FROM rdminotes WHERE comment != ‘soapbox’
Take away points:
An excellent collection of position papers are available at
The Oberlin Group of 17 Digital Library Unconference was held on May 21, 2013, at Mt. Holyoke College. With over 30 participants from 14 of the OG17 schools, there was lively discussion on topics including digital library planning and scope, organization and staffing, platforms and tools, data management and preservation policy, digital scholarship/digital humanities, outreach, and archiving born-digital records.
The format of the meeting eschewed the traditional speaker followed by a few questions in favour of a lightning round describing current projects at representated colleges, then brainstorming topics to be further discussed in a series of “break-out” sessions. The format felt more collaborative and productive than simply presenting information. Discussions were deemed successful enough to warrant follow-up meetings.
Attendees from Middlebury: Wendy Shook, Rebekah Irwin, Bryan Carson.
ACRL Digital Curation Interest Group Webinar: Creation of an In-House DMP Tool at the University of Houston Libraries, April 18, 2013
Michele Reilly and Anita Dryden from the University of Houston discussed their approach to providing data management planning assistance to their research faculty. Data management is not part of their mission; they focus on providing both general and UH resource specific information via their library web pages and by the creation of a data management planning (DMP) Tool. This tool, created using drupal webforms, is similar to the California Digital Library’s DMPTool and the Digital Curation Centre’s DMPOnline. Although offering fewer features, the UH tool pre-dates the online tools mentioned, has been easy to maintain and customize, and has been sufficient to fulfill the needs of their researchers.
For meteorology fans, here is a page that draws Middlebury specific met data from a variety of sources into one densely packed resource: (not associated with the college).
If you need something a little more tropical, here is the sister page dedicated to the environment affecting Mauna Kea observatories .
Dartmouth October Conference 2012
“Outside the Box: Innovation in the Library”
Notes from Wendy Shook and Carrie Macfarlane
Our top 4 take-aways:
Keynote Address: A Wide Lens Perspective on Innovation
Roy Adner – Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
Transforming Concepts into Actionable Project through Project Management
Shanti Freundlich – Liaison Librarian: Health Sciences, Nursing, & Social Work, Beatley Library, Simmons College
Vivienne Piroli – Deputy Library Director, Beatley Library, Simmons College
“What’s My Motivation?”: Adding Story and Context to Screen Shot Tutorials
Kari Mofford – Undergraduate and User Services Librarian, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Using a Participatory Design Workshop to Renovate a Library Teaching Space Laura Farwell Blake – Head, Services for Academic Programs, Harvard College Library
Reed Lowrie – Science Reference and Cartographic Librarian
Cabot Library, Interim Manager of Reference Services, Widener, Lamont, Cabot and Tozzer Libraries, Harvard College Library
Changing Their World, 4 Strings At a Time: Ukuleles in the Library!
Lisa Lavoie – Director of Library Services, Tunxis Community College
Honoring Student Assistants: The Student Library Service Bookplate Program at Dartmouth College
Laura Braunstein – English Language and Literature Librarian, Dartmouth College
There’s an App for That…Ask Your Librarian!
Judy M. Spak – Curriculum Support Librarian, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale School of Medicine
Jan Glover – Education Services Librarian, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale School of Medicine
Staffing the Information Commons in a Melded IT and Library Organization
Jill Parchuck – Co-Director Yale Center for Science and Social Science Information, Yale University Library
Themba Flowers – Co-Director Yale Center for Science and Social Science Information, Yale ITS, Academic IT Solutions, Yale University Library
Exploring the Future of Libraries: A Quick Walk Through the Work Taking Place in the Harvard Library Innovation Lab
Jeff Goldenson – Designer, Harvard Library Innovation Laboratory
Matt Phillips – Developer, Harvard Library Innovation Laboratory
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